What is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy is an innovative form of light therapy that has only recently gained mainstream acceptance. This form of therapy uses specific wavelengths of light in the red and infrared spectrum to stimulate biological changes in the body. These changes are thought to cause the skin improvements that people experience when using red light therapy.


How does Red Light Therapy work?

Red light therapy is a non-intrusive modality that employs low-level wavelengths of crimson or near-infrared (NIR) illumination on the physique or expansive regions of the physique. Throughout the course of treatment, photons, or individual units of luminosity, are assimilated by photosensitive molecules within the dermal cells. In the context of red light therapy, this process can engender diminished inflammation, heightened tissue regeneration, and the restoration of skin vitality.


The benefits of Red Light Therapy


1. Enhanced Immunity and Minimized Adverse Effects of Cancer Treatments

Research conducted by NASA has revealed that red light technology can effectively alleviate symptoms experienced by cancer patients, including the distressing side effects resulting from radiation or chemotherapy.


The utilization of far red/near-infrared light-emitting diode devices (referred to as HEALS in certain studies) has demonstrated the release of long wavelength energy in the form of photons, which stimulate cellular activity to facilitate healing.


NASA conducted tests to determine whether this treatment could benefit patients suffering from oral mucositis, a common and painful side effect of chemotherapy and radiation. The researchers concluded that 96 percent of patients experienced pain relief as a result of the HEALS treatment.


They stated, "The HEALS device was well tolerated with no adverse effects on bone marrow and stem cell transplant patients... The HEALS device offers a cost-effective therapy since its cost is lower than a single day at the hospital."


Similar HEALS technology is now being employed for the treatment of pediatric brain tumors, slow-healing wounds or infections, diabetic skin ulcers, and severe burns.


2. Accelerated Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration

 Light within the spectral range of 600 to 1,300 nanometers has been found to be beneficial in promoting wound healing, tissue repair, and rejuvenation of the skin. However, it achieves this through a different mechanism compared to many other laser resurfacing treatments.


Most laser therapies used in dermatology clinics induce secondary tissue repair by utilizing intense pulsed light to promote skin rejuvenation. In other words, intentional damage is caused to either the epidermis or dermis of the skin to trigger inflammation, followed by healing.


Red light therapy, on the other hand, bypasses this initial destructive step and directly stimulates regenerative processes in the skin by enhancing cellular proliferation, migration, and adhesion.


It may also aid in the treatment of skin conditions by promoting the regeneration of fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and modulating immune cells (including mast cells, neutrophils, and macrophages) present within the skin tissue.


3. Anti-Aging Effects for Skin and Hair Loss

An increasingly popular application of red light laser therapy is the treatment of skin conditions and the reversal of aging signs on the skin, such as wrinkles and fine lines.


Results from a 2014 study published in Photomedicine and Laser Surgery demonstrated both the effectiveness and safety of red light therapy in promoting anti-aging skin rejuvenation and increasing intradermal collagen compared to control groups. Researchers concluded that red infrared therapy "provides a safe, non-ablative, non-thermal, and gentle photobiomodulation treatment for skin tissue, with high patient satisfaction rates."


Subjects treated with red light therapy experienced significant improvements in skin complexion, tone, texture, reduced roughness, diminished signs of wrinkles and fine lines, and increased collagen density as measured through ultrasonographic tests. Patients with rosacea and redness have also found relief using photobiomodulation for skincare, even those who cannot tolerate higher-heat laser therapies.


Another anti-aging effect of red light therapy is its potential to reverse hair loss and stimulate hair follicle growth, which operates through similar mechanisms as wound healing. Studies on hair growth have yielded mixed results, but a considerable number of both male and female patients have experienced positive outcomes in reversing baldness/hair loss with photobiomodulation.


4. Enhanced Joint and Musculoskeletal Health

Red light therapy is now being utilized to alleviate arthritis symptoms by stimulating collagen production and cartilage regeneration.


A 2009 Cochrane review of red light therapy for rheumatoid arthritis concluded that "LLLT could be considered as a short-term treatment for pain relief and morning stiffness in RA patients, particularly due to its minimal side effects."


Even individuals without arthritis but with signs of tissue damage or degeneration due to aging can benefit from red light therapy. As shown in a 2009 study published in The Lancet, "LLLT reduces pain immediately after treatment in acute neck pain and up to 22 weeks after completion of treatment in patients with chronic neck pain."


Other studies have found that even when patients with musculoskeletal disorders do not experience reduced pain from red light therapy, they have a high likelihood of experiencing "significantly improved functional outcomes," such as improved range of motion.


Cellular rejuvenation and increased blood flow resulting from red light therapy are two crucial factors in improving joint and tissue health. Reducing oxidative damage, which contributes to joint degeneration, and modulating inflammation are other ways in which red light therapy benefits soft/connective tissue.


5. Improved Sleep Quality

The human body requires exposure to natural outdoor light to regulate various biological systems. When we spend most of our day indoors and rarely "see the light of day," our cellular energy systems and circadian rhythms suffer, leading to issues such as poor sleep, fatigue, mood-related problems, and weight gain.


If it is not possible to spend more time outdoors, red light therapy provides a simple means of exposing the body to more natural light. This can help reset the "circadian clock" and facilitate the release of melatonin, which is essential for healthy sleep.


6. Enhanced Mood

Another way to understand the benefits of red light therapy is through the perspective of Eastern medicine. If you were to ask a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner how light improves health, immunity, and recovery, they would likely compare it to the mechanism of action of acupuncture:


Light is a form of energy, and our bodies are intricate energy systems. Light has the ability to stimulate specific meridian points and chakra zones within the human body. Red light is said to stimulate the first chakra as it strongly correlates with our survival instinct. It provides us with energy and prompts us to act swiftly, motivating us to pursue things like money, food, sex, power, etc. Research on red light therapy suggests that this type of light can naturally energize individuals and be associated with improved moods by increasing self-confidence, positivity, passion, joyfulness, laughter, social awareness, conversation skills, and sensory stimulation.


Unverified Claims Although studies suggest that red light therapy can provide the aforementioned benefits, there is still insufficient evidence to determine whether it can effectively treat other conditions such as cancer, clinical depression, and severely compromised immune function.


Additionally, red light therapy is not the only type of wavelength that offers benefits. As explained further below, blue wavelengths and even saunas may yield better results for individuals dealing with skin or muscular conditions.


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